In 1999 we said that we
believed that this dog was the most exciting thing to come from Walkon for some time
and time has indeed proved this to be the case!
"Buzz" as he is known to his
friends had a stupendous start to his show career with 10 Best Puppy in Breed, 4
Best Puppy Dog in Breed and 1RCC, all before 12 months.
He ended his first year in the show ring winning his first CC along with
Best of Show at 13½ months as well as gaining the title of UK Top Puppy
He started 2000 in style winning the Scottish Boxer Club's annual Top Puppy
competition, beating the adult competition winner to become Top Scottish Show
This was followed by winning the Mancunian Boxer Club's Pup Of The
Year competition and 1st at Crufts 2000. He went on to win his 2nd
CC at Tyne, Wear & Tees Boxer Club's Show in May 2000 and his 3rd and qualifying
CC the following week at the Scottish Kennel Club Show making him lucky Champion
13 for Walkon.
His sound movement and excellent breed type has resulted in 11 Working Group placings at Championship Show level. He has won two Working Group's at Three Counties 2000 and Belfast 2001. He was second in groups at Windsor and Paignton in 2000 and at Midland Counties in 2001. In addition he was third in the Working Group at The Welsh Kennel Club Show 2000, at Border Union in 2003 and at the Scottish Kennel Club Show in 2004. His group placings are completed with three group four's at the City Of Birmingham and Scottish Kennel Club Show's in 2001 and Bournemouth in 2003.
We thought his father, Beern Skittles', show record was unbeatable but "Buzz" has surpassed our wildest dreams.
He was the UK Top Boxer 2000 and Top Dog 2001 and 2002.
He won the coveted title of Cotswold Boxer Club's Dog Of The Year 2001 and once again exceeded our expectation by winning it again in 2003. He is only one of two dogs ever to have won this title twice (the breed record holder Ch Tonantron Glory Girl being the other) It also makes it a unique 5th win for Walkon, having previously won the title in 1987 with his Great Grandfather - Pop My Cork, in 1988 with his Great Grandmother - Smash'd Again, in 1999 with his Father - Beern Skittles and himself in 2001.
We were delighted when he followed a well established family tradition by winning the most sought after British Boxer Clubs Champion of Champions trophy in 2001 and again in 2002, 2003, 2004 and for an unsurpassed 5th time in2005!, a trophy previously won by his father - Beern Skittles (1998,1999), his Grandmother Scotch Mist (1997 & 2000) and his Great Grandfather - Pop My Cork (1989).
At his first show of 2004 he won his
34th CC from Julie Brown beating the Male Breed Record which had stood for over twenty
years and was previously held by his Gt-Gt-Gt-Grandfather Ch Gremlin Summer Storm. In September 2004 he won his 37th CC from Mike Donnachie beating the Brindle Breed Record confirming he
is a dog in a million and we are justifiably proud of his achievements!!
To date "Buzz" currently has 38CC's, 21RCC's, 27 Best of Breeds and 9 Best in Shows to his credit.
Everytime we think "Buzz" can achieve no more, he proves us wrong as he did in May 2004 when he won the title of The Scottish Show Dog Of The Year 2003 - All Breeds". He first competed for the title in 2000. In 2001 he was 4th, in 2002 he was Runner Up and in 2003 finally achieved the Top Spot! A qualifier in 2004 we quite rightly decided he could go no higher and so decided not to compete him. Once again "Buzz" follows a long family tradition in this competition. We attended the first ever SKC Top Scottish Show Dog 1987 with two dogs, Ch Slightly Sloshed Of Sunhawk At Walkon and "Buzz's Great-Grandfather Ch Jenroy Pop My Cork To Walkon who qualified again in 1988. We next qualified "Buzz's" Grandfather Ch Blueprint Beern Skittles At Walkon in 1996, 1997 and in 1998 when he was third. His half brother Ch Walkon Crocodiledun Dee also qualified in 1997 and his full sister Ch Roamaro Maiden The Shade At Walkon competed along side him in both the 2002 and 2003 competitions. He is royally bred carrying the
top producing bloodlines in the country. Between them, the dogs in the first
three generations of his pedigree have won at least 145CC's (excluding
Aust Grand Ch Walkon Skittles). In addition there are three different British
Boxer Club Dams Of Merit, three different British Boxer Club Sires
Of Merit and three different British Boxer Club Champion Of Champions.
It would seem all good things come in three's - including CC's!
"Buzz" was a perfect gentleman all his life and never gave us a days bother. He was fit and well up to his last day and left a gap at Walkon that will probably never be filled.
Ch Winuwuk
Ch & Ir Ch
Beern Skittles
At WalkonJenroy Pop Back To
WalkonCh Jenroy Pop My Cork To Walkon
Ch Jenroy Lot Less Bother
Aust Grand Ch Walkon
SkittlesCh Glenfall The Gladiator
Ch Walkon Smash'D Again
Hazy Daze
At Roamaro
Ch Faerdorn Fineas Fogg
Ch Bitza Shout And Roar
Feardorn This 'N That
Ch Roamaro Scotch Mist
Of WinuwukCh Wrencliff Flying Scotchman Of Winuwuk
Jenroy Popsicle For Belmont